

Once upon a time, I had a nightmare. I dreamed that I’d died and gone to heaven. When I woke up, I was in a huge library that went on for miles. Lots of comfy chairs, cups of tea and all the books I could ever read. Only thing I couldn’t do is leave. So, I made a cup of tea and grabbed a book. It was a romance novel. A bodice ripper. I shuddered and moved down a shelf, figuring that I was just in the wrong section. No, I hadn’t. All the shelves were filled with bodice rippers. Harlequin, Nurse stories, you name it, it was there. Good stuff and trashy stuff.

I hadn’t gone to heaven, I’d gone to hell! I woke up in a sweat.

Over the years, I thought about that nightmare. I realized that I could write better than those books. Hell, I could write better erotica than so many of those books. Then one day, someone challenged me to back up my words. I did. It’s called The Cabin, and I’ve been writing ever since. First in long hand and later on by computer.

Then a friend of mine started writing an erotic blog, and I couldn’t resist giving it a try. I enjoy writing and erotica is a particular delight of mine to write. This blog is for the adult content scribbling I concoct. Within the confines of this blog you will find short stories, Flash Fiction Friday pieces and long serialized stories. I seem to have difficulty writing short pieces. 🙂 When I am not posting on this blog, I write under the name Jaisen Rose.

If you enjoy what you find here, tell a friend, or comment. I love to hear what others think of my writings be it good or bad. I like to have new ideas as well, so if you have something you would like to see a story about, let me know. Most of all, enjoy the stories.

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  1. Pingback: 2010 in review | Adventures of a Word Wytch

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